Griffin Police Department Chief Mike Yates, who begins his third week of administrative leave on Friday, has been ordered to have no contact with any city of Griffin employees and to refrain from coming on any city property.
Griffin City Manager Jessica O’Connor placed Yates on what she said is a “non-disciplinary administrative leave” beginning Friday, April 28.
In the official notification Yates received, O’Connor presented detailed stipulations.
“During your administrative leave, to aid in avoiding any misunderstandings, you are to refrain from any contact – whether direct or indirect – with any City officials or employees other than myself until further notice. If you feel like you have a need to contact any City official or employee for any reason, you should contact me in advance to discuss the situation and, if deemed warranted, appropriate arrangements will be made,” O’Connor said. “Likewise, during your administrative leave, you should also refrain from coming onto City premises – including but not limited to the Police Department – until further notice. If you feel you have a need to do so for any reason, you should contact me in advance to discuss the situation and, if deemed warranted, appropriate arrangements will be made.”
O’Connor on April 29 released a separate statement addressing the issue.
It said that while the city strongly prefers not to publicly comment on personnel matters, the statement was being released “to avoid unfounded speculation and conjecture that could both cause or contribute to the spread (of) misinformation throughout the community and result in unnecessary distraction or disruption to the administrative process…”
It went on to cite the basis for Yates’ administrative leave, which is connected to a Georgia Bureau of Investigation case involving Griffin Police Department Sgt. D’Marquivius “D.J.” King.
King was placed on administrative leave in February after Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Marie Broker requested a GBI investigation.
Broder’s request followed an exclusive investigation by The GRIP related to a written reprimand King received in November 2021 that determined he had concealed the alleged involvement of Damon Beck, King’s brother, in the May 9, 2021, murder of Javarries Reid.
King’s brother was arrested the same day The GRIP published its first article in this investigative series.
O’Connor has stressed that Yates’ leave is not indicative of any concerns related to the police chief.
“The City Manager wishes to emphasize that this action does not reflect any specific concerns relating to Chief Yates but was deemed prudent to avoid or minimize the possibility of any misunderstandings and to create an environment more conducive to the investigative process,” O’Connor’s statement said.
Although O’Connor said she would make no further comments on the subject, The GRIP submitted the following questions to provide her an opportunity to respond.
Numerous Griffin Police Department officers have been the subject of both criminal investigations since Chief Yates took office in February 2016, but this is the first time he has been placed on administrative leave during such an investigation. If this action does not “reflect any specific concerns relating to Chief Yates,” why has this action been taken now when it never has been previously?
The GBI investigation of GPD Sgt. D’Marquivius “D.J.” King was requested in February. If this action was “deemed prudent to avoid or minimize the possibility of any misunderstandings and to create an environment more conducive to the investigative process,” why was Chief Yates not placed on administrative leave at the time the investigation began? Why was the action taken only now, months into the GBI’s investigation?
Your statement said this action was taken to “create an environment more conducive to the investigative process.” Has Chief Yates presence over the past two months of this investigation been injurious to the investigative process?
Although your statement claims you have no “specific concerns” relating to Chief Yates, have there been any allegations, reports or indications that Chief Yates has in any way interfered or attempted to interfere with this GBI investigation?
If you have no “specific concerns,” why was Chief Yates ordered to have no contact with any city of Griffin employee and to refrain from coming onto city property for the duration of this investigation?
O’Connor replied to those questions saying, “I appreciate the opportunity to respond, but I will respectfully decline as my initial statement will speak for itself at this time.”
The GBI Region 2 Office on Thursday confirmed its investigation remains active.
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GPD Chief allowed no contact with city employees or access to city premises