City of Griffin officials have declined to respond to the most basic questions related to Griffin Police Department (GPD) Sgt. D’Marquivius “D.J.” King, even refusing to cite his current employment status.
King, while assigned to the GPD Criminal Intelligence Division (CID), covered up the May 9, 2021, murder of Javarreis Reid by concealing the alleged involvement of his brother, Damon Beck.
More than six months later, on Nov. 30, 2021, King received a written reprimand for the cover-up. That disciplinary action followed King’s promotion to sergeant and transfer from CID to the Uniform Patrol Division.
GBI Region 2 Assistant Special Agent in Charge Deanna Jury confirmed the GPD did not request an investigation to determine if King’s misconduct violated Georgia criminal code.
The Griffin Police Department also did not notify Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Marie Broder of King’s misconduct in the Reid murder investigation.
After being contacted by The GRIP, Broder informed the GBI of her intent to request an investigation.
“What we’re asking is that they (the GBI) investigate this situation relevant to the letter of reprimand that you provided to us alleging this conduct by Investigator King,” said Chief Assistant District Attorney David Studdard told The GRIP.
The written reprimand Studdard referenced was issued by Lt. John Hayes and stated in part, “It was determined during the investigation that Investigator King’s brother, Damon Beck, is involved in the murder. Investigator King failed to notify his chain of command of the conflict of interest and did not list Damon Beck as a suspect on any documentation.”
Even with Broder’s request to the GBI, Police Chief Mike Yates and City Manager Jessica O’Connor refuse to say if King remains on active duty.
“I apologize for the delayed response, but I will not be answering any questions or making any further comments regarding this matter at this time,” O’Connor said Sunday in response to an email seeking comment.
It has been the longstanding practice of Griffin officials to make public the status of employees under investigation.
In response, The GRIP again asked for verification of King’s status, stating in part, “It has been common practice for many years, including during your time as city manager, to provide that basic information when an employee is under investigation. Recent examples include, but are not limited to, GPD Officer Brian Dorety, GPD Lt. Chris Wilson, GPD Lt. Jeff Smith and Public Works Director Chris Walker. When those city of Griffin employees were under investigation, they were placed on administrative leave and that information was publicly announced. I’m simply trying to ascertain why Sgt. King is benefitting from a different standard than other city of Griffin employees who have recently and historically been the subject of criminal (or administrative) investigations. Any insight you can provide will be appreciated.”
O’Connor did not respond.
The GRIP has submitted additional questions to Chief Mike Yates and City Manager Jessica O’Connor. They have also gone unanswered.
The following email was sent to GPD Chief Mike Yates on Thursday, Feb. 16
Chief Yates,
The following questions pertain to the May 9, 2021, murder of Javarreis Reid. The information obtained from these questions will be included in my next article to be published Sunday. Please respond to these questions by the close of business Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
Thank you,
Sheila Mathews
In May 2021, D.J. King was assigned to CID, but he clocked in to work at 5:37 p.m. Saturday, May 8, 2021. In what capacity was he working that night?
How did D.J. King, who had clocked out at 1:21 a.m., arrive at the murder scene prior to Uniform Patrol Division officers who were already patrolling the area?
Was D.J. King the first officer at the Reid murder scene?
When did D.J. King discover his brother was allegedly involved in Reid’s murder?
The GPD issued a press release on June 11, 2021, offering a $2,500 reward for information corroborating “the testimony from witnesses and confidential informants” related to Reid’s murder. That isn’t a common occurrence. What led to that reward being offered? What witness and CI “testimony” was D.J. King seeking to corroborate? Was he seeking to actively divert suspicion from his brother by implicating other suspects?
Did anyone respond to that $2,500 reward offer?
What was the status of the Reid case when D.J. King was promoted to sergeant and transferred from CID to UPD?
To whom was the Reid murder case reassigned?
When was it discovered that D.J. King had covered-up his brother’s alleged involvement in Reid’s murder?
How was that discovery made?
Was a formal IA conducted?
Was this referred to the GBI for a criminal investigation?
D.J. King received a written reprimand. Is that the extent of the disciplinary action taken?
Who determined what disciplinary action would be taken against D.J. King?
Did you approve that disciplinary action?
Only one arrest has been made. Are there still active warrants for Isaiah Trice and Damon Beck?
According to Lt. Hayes’ written reprimand, King’s investigation determined Damon Beck “is involved in the murder.” That written reprimand was entered into Guardian on Nov. 30, 2021. Why were arrests warrants not taken until more than seven additional months had passed?
The July 25, 2022, GPD press release related to the identification of three suspects included strongly-worded statements regarding the investigation.
“Since then, Investigators have tirelessly pursued lead after lead in order to hold responsible the person(s) responsible for the death of Javarreis Reid.”
“The hard work and tenacity of the investigators are the reasons these individuals are now being held responsible for the death of Mr. Reid.”
Why were such statements made when King’s cover-up of this murder was known and documented many months prior?
How can these statements – posted to the city of Griffin website, no less – be seen as anything but an egregious affront to the victim, his family, this community and justice itself?
In a period of less than one year, the following occurred at the Griffin Police Department–
Countless routine illegal public roadside strip searches
Corrupt Econo Lodge investigation resulting in suspect’s suicide and the ultimate dismissal of more than 100 criminal charges
Security breach of Crime Lab and Evidence Storage Room
Deliberate decision to withhold report of Crime Lab and Evidence Storage Room security breach from DA’s Office and State Solicitor’s Office
Murder cover-up
Can you tell me what a Griffin police officer would have to do to receive any disciplinary action more stringent than a written reprimand or lateral transfer?
Are disciplinary actions being limited to written reprimands (or less) to prevent city officials from being aware of officer misconduct?
Former GPD officer Chris Wilson recorded a meeting with you, admittedly a violation of SOP. For that, you recommended he be terminated. Why have you not made the same recommendation for any of the officers involved in the incidents listed above?
Is the difference that you perceived Chris Wilson had personally violated you as opposed to the other officers violating civilians?
The GPD oath of office states…
I do solemnly swear that I will perform the duties of a police officer to the best of my ability, and
That I will faithfully discharge the duties I am about to enter…
I also swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State and the Charter of Ordinances of this city.
By deliberately covering-up his brother’s involvement in Reid’s murder, did D.J. King uphold his oath of office?
The following email was sent to City Manager Jessica O’Connor on Friday, Feb. 17
I’m strongly opposed to email interviews, but under the circumstances, your availability is obviously and understandably limited. For that reason, I am submitting the following questions.
I have made every effort to restrict the scope of my questions to issues that won’t delve into investigative details of the May 19, 2021, Javarreis Reid murder case. As any investigation conducted pertaining to Sgt. D’Marquivius “D.J.” King’s actions has long been closed, these questions should be answerable.
Please provide answers to these questions by the close of business Monday, Feb. 20.
Thank you,
Sheila Mathews
Was Sgt. King’s cover-up of the Javarreis Reid murder reported to you? If so, when?
Did you play a role in determining what disciplinary action would be taken against Sgt. King?
Do you believe a written reprimand is sufficient disciplinary action for the cover-up of a murder?
In 2021, the following incidents or events involving the Griffin Police Department occurred in a period of less than nine months –
* Countless routine illegal public strip searches – no disciplinary action taken
* Corrupt Econo Lodge investigation involving a suspect’s suicide and the ultimate dismissal of more than 100 criminal charges – a written reprimand and lateral transfer of only one involved officer
* Security breach of the Crime Lab and Evidence Storage Room – a written reprimand
* Deliberate decision to withhold report of Crime Lab and Evidence Storage Room security breach from DA’s Office and State Solicitor’s Office – no disciplinary action taken
* Murder cover-up – a written reprimand
(I could include numerous additional examples, but I believe these more than adequately illustrate the point.)
With those examples in mind, can you tell me what a Griffin police officer would have to do to receive any disciplinary action more stringent than a written reprimand or lateral transfer?
Are disciplinary actions being limited to written reprimands (or less) to prevent city officials – yourself included – from being aware of officer misconduct?
You previously said the basis of Chris Wilson’s termination was that he couldn’t be trusted. Is that same standard being applied across the board with regard to officer misconduct?
With specific regard to Sgt. King, how can anyone in this community place trust in him or any other officer that deliberately covers up any crime, but particularly something as serious as a murder?
Can you say you have confidence in the integrity of the Griffin Police Department?
Can you say you have full confidence in Chief Mike Yates?
The July 25, 2022, GPD press release related to the identification of three suspects in the Javarreis Reid murder included the following strongly-worded statements:
“Since then, Investigators have tirelessly pursued lead after lead in order to hold responsible the person(s) responsible for the death of Javarreis Reid.”
“The hard work and tenacity of the investigators are the reasons these individuals are now being held responsible for the death of Mr. Reid.”
Why did the Griffin Police Department make such statements when Sgt. King’s cover-up of this murder was known and documented many months prior?
How can these statements – posted even now to the city of Griffin website, no less – be seen as anything but an egregious affront to the victim, his family, this community and justice itself?
The GRIP will continue to cover this developing story and report additional information as it becomes available.
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